I had a wonderful time shoot this gorgeous Rancho Las Lomas wedding nestled in the foresty hills of Silverado at a lovely little place filled with animals and romantic scenery everywhere. Rancho Las Lomas is one of my favorites places to shoot and if you scroll through these images, you can see why. Ryan & […]
I am always so excited when I get my film scans back from Richard Photo Lab. Here are the shots I took with my Contax at Eugene & Angela’s wedidng at the Marvimon. I love shooting film at weddings whenever there is some time to sneak them in! :)
I had SO many images from this amazing wedding, that I had to split it all up. I shot the wedding in film and digital, so here are all the film shots I took to warm you up to this lovely occasion which took place at Verandas . Wedding deign and Coordination by Marisa Nicole […]